Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Today is my sweet husband's 26th birthday and so I decided to do something special.

The idea for this came from Disney magazine which I happened to pick up at the doctor's office. You can find the original instructions here. I tweaked it a bit so that everything on the cake was gluten free. I also decided I just might do cupcake cakes more often since they don't seem to fall apart the same way a lot of my gluten free cakes seem to.
Here is the list of ingredients from the original and what I used instead I left out the things I didn't change...

Cupcakes...used Betty Crocker GF cake mix
Vanilla Frosting...made a regular butter-cream frosting
Vanilla Wafers....used peanut butter cookie recipe found here
Red licorice laces... used a fruit by the foot and cut with kitchen scissors
Spice Drops... I don't like spice drops so I used candy fruit wedges
licorice pastels...instead of pastels I just used Hershey's chocolate and piped white frosting over it
chocolate covered graham cracker...used Hershey's chocolate bar
pretzel stick...couldn't find GF so I again use Hershey's chocolate bar

Everything else was Gluten Free in the recipe. Anyway it was a load of fun to make.